Sophia Sanchez

Sophia began her dance journey at the tender age of 3 in Venezuela. When she was 6, she relocated to Miami and remained devoted to her passion at DanceTown, under the guidance of Manny Castro, for 12 years until her high school graduation. This studio opened up numerous unexpected opportunities for her, including participation in dance competitions, recitals, and even television appearances. It was at DanceTown that she discovered her profound love for dance, having received training in various dance styles, with her favorites being Ballroom, Jazz, and Hip-Hop.

Currently, Sophia is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Sciences while also following a pre-dental track. She is an active member of UF Danza, where she continues to nurture her love for dance.

Sophia is thrilled to join the IndepenDANCE family. She is eager to collaborate with the young dancers and hopes to inspire them with her deep passion for the art. She expresses immense gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful dance family and is excited to see what the future holds.